

Avaya/Radvision 今天发布视频会议室系统新旗舰会议室终端Radvion Scopia XT7100

    XT7100 视频会议系统现在支持视频编码–h.265,允许最有效地利用可用带宽,该系统支持高达1080p的视频质量在减少了百分之50的带宽。就是说可以在256K的带宽可以传输720P 或512K 的带宽可以传输1080P的高清图像。

For even greater productivity and simplified user experience, Scopia video conferencing systems now allow users to directly share content wirelessly from their laptops, eliminating the need to search for and connect cables. Mobile users can now experience a seamless handoff between their Scopia soft client on their mobile device and a room system, enabling users to start a conference on their smartphone or laptop and smoothly transition to the room system upon arrival. Further, with the new versions of Scopia, mobile users on their laptops, tablets, PCs and desktops can participate with the full 1080p video quality previously available only on room systems.


Video Streaming and Recording—The Scopia platform has significantly enhanced integrated video streaming and recording capabilities, enabling users to easily broadcast video meetings to large audiences – up to 100,000 viewers -- and record in full HD, creating valuable business assets for future reference. Recorded content is easily accessed through a highly scalable “YouTube” like portal.


未经允许请勿转载:超人很忙空间 » 全高清视频会议新标准H.265-AVAYA/RADVISION推出视频会议系统新旗舰终端XT7100

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